Can Be Grown At Home, 10 Perennial Vegetable Plants That Can Live For Years

JAKARTA – Perennial plants are plants that can live for years so they can be harvested all year round. According to Eric Toensmeier, author of Perennial Vegetables, the North American tradition of gardening and farming originated in Europe. In tropical plains and tend to be warm, root crops, starch, and fruit can be actively bred, selected, and cultivated.

These perennial vegetable plants are favored because they require little maintenance to grow. Requires only hand tools available for farming, without plowing with large farm animals.

Quoting the Small Footprint Family, Wednesday, February 9, annual plants are better nutritionally because they are easier to grow, ecologically beneficial, and do not depend on water and other maintenance needs.

The advantages of growing perennial vegetables include the following:

Annual vegetables survive through various seasons. Perennials that are included as perennial vegetables can grow strong and are ready to harvest. Many perennial vegetables serve as hedges, control slope erosion, and fix soil nitrogen. A perennial vegetable crop, they grow a healthy and intact soil food web including providing habitat for a large number of animals.

When it comes to growing perennials, you can then take it to the next level and consider permaculture gardening.

Illustration of perennial vegetable plants (Unsplash/Jonathan Hanna)

Permaculture mimics natural ecosystems thereby fostering partnerships between plants, soil, insects and wildlife. Perennial vegetable plants that can be planted in the backyard include the following:

Shrub berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Asparagus. Rhubharb. kale. Kale. Garlic. Chilli. Watercress. Lovage. Sweet potato.

From the ten lists above, planting perennial vegetables can be adapted to the conditions of your land. These vegetable crops can be grown with special cultivars. So choose the seeds carefully in order to get plant quality and good harvests.