Spread Pornographic Content, Police Arrest Gopal Junior, Futsal Trainer In Bogor Regency

BOGOR - Police arrested a same-sex predator, MN (30) alias Gopal Junior, in Bogor Regency. He was arrested for distributing pornography to his 15 male victims.

Bogor Police Chief, AKBP Iman Imanudin confirmed the arrest. The incident occurred in Cipenjo, Cileungsi, Bogor Regency, Thursday, February 3, at 11.33 WIB.

"Yes, it is true that Gopal Junior was arrested on suspicion of sending pictures of his genitals to the victim to fulfill his sexual disorder," said Iman when confirmed, Tuesday, February 8.

Iman explained that the incident began when his party received a report from victim A, regarding the content of a screen shot of a conversation between the perpetrator, Gopal Junior and MPP which contained a photo of a man's genitals.

Based on the report, the police conducted an investigation into the case.

"The results of the investigation obtained information from the victims supported by conversations with the suspect Gopal from the victim's cellphone, so that his status was raised to become an investigation," said Iman.

After the perpetrator was arrested, Iman said that Gopal had also asked his victims to ask for a photo of his genitals. This he did to fulfill his sexual disorder.

"He once sent a message via WA containing an invitation to take a photo of the victim's genitals and immoral statements," he said.

For his actions, the perpetrator faces a sentence of 6 years in prison.