In Addition To Remembering Past Events, Recognize 5 Types Of Brain Memory

JAKARTA – Memory is a valuable part, without it, understanding of the world is no longer complete. Even knowing yourself requires the memory of the achievements that have been achieved to the past that matures.

Different types of memory are stored in different ways, reported by Nature, Friday, February 4. Researchers pinpoint the details through many studies. Based on the type or type, memory is divided into the following 5 below.

1. Short term memory

This first type of memory is only temporary or short term. Its characteristic is low capacity, meaning it is full quickly. The average stored is 7 unrelated items, such as letters, words, numbers. Remembering 7 numbers, letters, and words can take a few minutes to process unless you practice quick tricks to remember.

Citing The Healthy, psychologists realize that short-term memory is used when we talk, think, and act. So they call it 'working memory' to emphasize its active role.

Illustration of the memory type of the human brain (Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema)
2. Episodic memory

Episodic memory, in short, is used when you answer the question “What did you do last weekend?”. Or remember the first time you saw it raining or took a trip to the beach. Episodic memory is also known as episodic memory. We will more easily remember dramatic events, events that stand out, whether it brings positive or negative feelings.

3. Long term memory

Every fact you know, every thing you could have done, and every surprising thing you didn't even know in detail can be stored as knowledge and form long-term memory. Long-term memory requires enormous storage, it's best to use it to stay active and alert.

Long-term memory loss can be without some types of dementia. Dementia is also experienced when the brain begins to age.

4. Semantic memory

Semantic memory is general knowledge of facts, concepts, and vocabulary. You can even use it to increase your daily vocabulary. This type of memory is like answering the question “What is the capital city of Peru?”.

Semantic and episodic memory are often difficult to distinguish, especially when talking about past events. For example, thanks to semantic memory a person can remember the final result of a national election but the events that occur around that moment are related to episodic memory.

5. Procedural memory

Procedural memory deals with skills, including physical and mental skills that are acquired over time. Such as riding a bicycle, writing, to operate the keyboard.

Most procedural knowledge is used automatically, without the need to consciously remember how to apply it. Procedural memory is known as implicit memory, because it deals with habits. Procedural memory can be stored without much practice, such as cycling and reading.

The skill of speaking a foreign language or playing a musical instrument must be practiced regularly because if it is not used it will be easily forgotten.