Corruption Convict Of Pringsewu DPRD Consumption Sueded 16 Months In Prison

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Public Prosecutor of the Pringsewu District Prosecutor's Office, Marwan Jaya Putra, has demanded Sri Wahyuni, a defendant in a corruption case of inflating food and drink consumption funds from the Pringsewu DPRD, for one year and four months in prison.

"I request the panel of judges to sentence the defendant to 1 year and 4 months," said Prosecutor Fuad Alfano during the reading of the charges in the trial at the Tanjungkarang Class I District Court, Bandarlampung, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 3.

In addition to demanding that the defendant be imprisoned, in the case of marking up eating and drinking at the Pringsewu DPRD, the prosecutor also asked the defendant to pay a fine of Rp. 50 million.

"If the property is not sufficient, then it will be replaced with imprisonment for five months," he said again.

The prosecutor added that the aggravating thing was that the defendant's actions had harmed the state. While mitigating matters, the defendant behaved politely in the trial and had paid state losses of Rp. 311,821,300.

"The defendant has paid 100 percent of the state's losses," he said. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended and added to the 2001 Law concerning Amendments to Law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.

The defendant's legal advisor, Heri Alfian, after hearing the prosecutor's reading of the charges, asked the panel of judges Hendro Wicaksono to make a written defense.

"We ask for a grace period of one week, honourable," he said.

The chairman of the panel of judges in the trial Hendro Wicaksono granted the request of the defendant's legal counsel. In this case, the trial was adjourned for a week.

"Our trial has been adjourned for another week," he said.

The defendant was demanded to be imprisoned for his actions while serving as the Head of the Sub-division for Facilitation and Coordination of the Setwan DPRD Pringsewu appointed as the Technical Implementation Officer (PPTK) for Food and Beverage Expenditures for Council Equipment Meetings (AKD) and Food and Beverage Expenditures at the Pringsewu Regency DPRD Secretariat for Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020.

The defendant ordered food, drink and snacks for the 2019-2020 plenary meeting, but the provider never received a letter or receipt from the defendant as the PPTK.

Several companies ordered, such as CV Wiwik Catering, and Yuli Cake, did not have a CV, so the receipt or order to Yuli Cake was entered into CV Wiwik Catering.

The mode used by the defendant was to increase the price of food and snacks. The boxed rice and buffet meals, which cost Rp. 45 thousand, were increased to Rp. 50,000, then the Rp. 20,000 snacks were increased to Rp. 25 thousand.

Based on the audit report on the results of the calculation of state financial losses carried out by BPKP Lampung Province Representative Number SR-1303/PW08/5/2021, dated September 9, 2021, the results of the Calculation of State Financial Losses amounted to Rp. 311,821,300.