Allegedly Obstructing And Preventing Investigations, Ex-Legal Counsel For The Chairperson Of KPUD Tanjabtim Nurkolis Arrested By The Prosecutor's Team

JAMBI - The Special Crime Investigation Team of the Tanjung Jabung Timur (Tanjabtim) District Attorney (Tanjabtim), Jambi, arrested Tengku Ardiyansayah, a former lawyer or attorney for the Chairperson of KPUD Tanjabtim Nurkolis.

Nurkolis was arrested earlier by the prosecutor's office on suspicion of a corruption case.

"Tengku Ardiyansyah, was arrested by the Tanjabtim Kejari team on Wednesday at around 20.00 WIB, located at the Legenda Cafe, Handil Gardens, Jambi City and now the person concerned is being held at the prosecutor's office," said Head of Penkum Kejati Jambi, Lexy Fatharany through his official statement received, Antara , Thursday, February 3.

The arrest of Tengku Ardiyansyah was led directly by the Head of the Tanjabtim District Attorney's Office, Rachmad Surya Lubis. He is one of Nurkolis' legal advisors at the investigation stage of the corruption case of the East Tanjab KPUD grant which is currently undergoing the trial process at the Jambi Corruption Court.

While serving as Legal Advisor to the suspect, Tengku Ardiyansyah, it was suspected that he had committed a criminal act intentionally to prevent, hinder, or thwart directly or indirectly the investigation, prosecution and trial of the suspect and the defendant or the witnesses.

In the corruption case, the misuse of the 2020 Tanjung Jabung Timur KPUD budget is subject to Article 21 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption.

"That the suspect Tengku Ardiyansyah will be detained for 20 days by investigators and deposited in the East Tanjab Police detention center," said Lexy Fatharany.