Stimulate Tourism And Investment In South Sulawesi, PLN Operates 4 Electric Infrastructure

JAKARTA - As a form of support for the tourism and investment sectors in South Sulawesi, PT PLN (Persero) operates four electricity infrastructures in South Sulawesi.

The operation of the four electricity infrastructures is marked by energizing in January 2022. The four electricity infrastructures are the 150 kiloVolt (kV) Tanete Substation, 150 kV Lanna GI, 150 kV Sungguminasa GI (Extension) and High Voltage Air Lines. (SUTT) 150 kV Sungguminasa - Lanna.

"The operation of this infrastructure will strengthen the electricity system, so that it can develop economic potential through the tourism sector," said General Manager of PLN Sulawesi Main Development Unit (UIP) Defiar Anis in a statement quoted on Thursday, February 3.

GI 150kV Tanete has a transformer capacity of 30 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA) which can be used to electrify more than 18,000 new customers.

"In the construction of the 150kV Tanete GI, the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) reached a percentage of 66 percent, exceeding the standards set by the government through the Ministry of Industry regulations," he said.

The electricity supply from the 150 kV Tanete GI will increase the electricity supply distributed to the Tanjung Bira Tourism Area so that it becomes more reliable. Previously, the area was only supplied from the Bulukumba GI.

It is known, the Tanjung Bira Tourism Area has a lot of development potential because it has several beautiful beaches, craftsmen for making Pinisi boats and weaving crafts.

"This development potential has succeeded in attracting a number of investors, this can be seen from the growth in electricity costs and the increase in the number of customers in the Tanjung Bira Tourism Area," he said.

For the other three infrastructures, namely the 150 kV Lanna GI located in Parangloe District, Gowa Regency which has a transformer capacity of 30 Mega Volt Ampere (MVA), the 150 kV Sungguminasa GI located on Jl. Bakolu, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency has 2 Line Bays, and the 150 kV Sungguminasa - Lanna SUTT stretches along 45 kilometers of circuits (kms) with a total of 70 towers.

These three jobs are included in the National Strategic Project (PSN) with the use of TKDN reaching 81 percent, exceeding the target set by the government.

Defiar added, in addition to the tourist area, there is also a stone-breaking industry around the Malino axis that uses electricity to run its business. It is hoped that in the future the tourism industry and the stone crushing industry in the Malino area can continue to develop so that it can improve the economy of the surrounding community.

The Lanna Substation will later supply electricity to some customers, which was previously supplied by the Borongloe Substation.

"This is PLN's effort to provide reliable electricity supply, especially for 29,167 customers or the equivalent of 35,064,450 Volt Ampere consisting of household and business customers," explained Defiar.