7 People Exposed To COVID-19, Several Faculties Of State University Of Malang Return To Online Lectures

MALANG - A number of faculties at the State University of Malang (UM) have stopped face-to-face learning (PTM) and resumed online lectures after reports of seven campus residents being exposed to COVID-19. said the finding of the positive confirmed case of COVID-19 began when one of the students had a health complaint. "There was an initiative to do a swab from the student. The result was positive and then contacted the lecturers, including the UM COVID-19 Task Force. there is one lecturer and six students," said Erianto as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 31.

Based on observations, face-to-face lectures were replaced with online ones at the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Sports Science (FIK) UM. The atmosphere in the two faculties on Monday, January 31 seemed calm and relaxed.

Access to a number of buildings appears to be locked and there are no lecture activities. In addition, activities on administrative services have also been temporarily suspended. Activities at the faculty saw a number of workers cleaning the building.

Erianto explained that the decision to continue to conduct lectures face-to-face or online is the full authority of each faculty. So far, the UM COVID-19 Task Force has provided recommendations to existing faculties. "What is clear, once there is a case, we recommend temporarily, activities or activities are carried out online. For online, offline or hybrid decisions, it is in the faculty leadership," he said.

He added, for now, the condition of the positive COVID-19 confirmed patient, who is a resident of UM, is in good condition. The UM COVID-19 Task Force continues to monitor the health conditions of the exposed residents. The campus, he continued, has also traced the close contacts of the confirmed positive COVID-19 patient. Tracing is not only carried out on class mates, but all close contacts met by confirmed patients. "For example, there is one student and he meets a lot of people, that's what we trace his close contacts. We count him meeting with anyone, it can be one class or another. more. We do the tracing so it doesn't spread widely," he said.

Of the six students who were confirmed to be exposed to COVID-19, he continued, they were not only from one study program. However, from a number of study programs and different batches. "These six people are spread out, not only from one faculty. More than one study program and not only from one faculty," he said. (tracing) and treatment (treatment). Of the seven people who were exposed, one person underwent isolation at the facilities provided by the campus, while the others were self-isolating. Meanwhile, a student from the Faculty of Letters, Bagus Syahputra, said that online lectures were again conducted on Monday, January 31. The temporary information he received was that online lectures would be held until Wednesday, February 2.

"Online lectures start today, and the information is carried out until Wednesday. On Friday (28/1) yesterday we were still face-to-face," he said. For information, in Malang City, COVID-19 cases have continued to increase in the past week. The data on active cases until January 30, 2022 touched 274 cases, a significant increase compared to the mid-January figure which had left four active cases. positive for COVID-19. Of the total, 14,592 people were reported to have recovered, and 1,133 people were declared dead.