Suspected Of Drug Abuse, Police Arrest Two Personnel Of Gaga Village Tangerang

TANGERANG - Police have arrested two officers from the village of Gaga, Pakuhaji, Tangerang Regency. They were arrested on suspicion of drug abuse of meth type.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Pakuhaji Police, IPTU Iswandi, confirmed the arrest. However, he refused to explain more clearly about the case.

"That's right, that's enough," said Iswandi when contacted, Sunday, January 30.

Iswandi revealed, from the results of the investigation, it was known that the village employees were only users, and now they have also carried out the rehabilitation process in the South Jakarta area.

"Yes user, (now has been rehabilitated)," he said.

The head of the village of Gaga, Muhamad Sodikin, said the same thing. He admitted that the two employees had been detained by the police because of drug abuse.

"There are two employees, now it's been sorted out and handed over to a rehabilitation center," he said.

He stressed that the two individuals would receive strict sanctions from his side.

"This will be discussed with the family. If I had emphasized from the beginning that everything would pass, if it happened, I would not hesitate to impose sanctions," he said.