Charity Box Thief In Malang Arrested By Police, Threatened With Maximum 7 Years In Prison

MALANG - Malang Police Team, East Java, uncovered a syndicate of thieves or charitable box thieves in Malang Regency. One perpetrator with the initials AHN (26) was arrested.

This resident of Bekasi Regency, West Java, works as a truck driver every day. He was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Turen Police, Friday, January 28.

The last perpetrator took action to steal a charity box at the Musala Abdul Masjid on Jalan Tendean, Turen, Malang Regency.

"Starting from the report, we carried out developments and succeeded in securing the suspect and evidence from the hands of the perpetrators," said the Head of the Turen Police, Kompol Suko Wahyudi to reporters.

From the perpetrator's confession, the theft of the charity box is not the first time. In total, the perpetrators robbed the charity boxes in 4 other prayer rooms.

According to Kompol Wahyudi, AHN perpetrators acted when the prayer room was quiet. He pry alias broke the charity box lock with a screwdriver and pliers that had been prepared. After the charity box was opened, the money inside was stolen

"From the perpetrator's statement, the stolen money was used to pay off debts and the rest was used for his living expenses. He admitted that recently his income from his job as a truck driver has started to drag on," continued the police chief.

The police secured evidence of Rp1,515,600, one pair of pliers, one screwdriver, including a bag.

As a result of his actions, the charity box thief was charged with Article 363 Paragraph (1) 5 in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.