LPSK Receives Reports Of 147 Trafficking Cases Throughout 2021

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Edwin Partogi Pasaribu revealed that this institution received 147 witnesses and/or victims who applied for protection related to the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) during 2021. In a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday , he stated that of the 147 applicants, 126 of them were victims of trafficking in persons, consisting of 120 female victims and 6 male victims. and 66 victims were trafficked as migrant workers," said Edwin as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 28. In terms of numbers, he continued, it did decrease when compared to 2020 which reached 203 applicants.

Several cases of human trafficking in recent times, including the sinking of a ship carrying Indonesian migrant workers in the waters of Selangor, Malaysia, which killed at least 21 people. Not to mention the news of raids on acts of trafficking in children who are peddled as commercial sex workers through various digital platforms. According to Edwin, applicants from West Java tend to be consistent in terms of the number of applications in the 60s. The highest number of applicants came from three regencies/cities, namely 21 Indramayu, 12 Bandung City, and 10 Cianjur Regency. The perpetrators generally exploited victims to work in the domestic sector as migrant workers (23 people) and as workers in the night entertainment sector or sexual exploitation (37 people). “Victims are usually trapped in trafficking networks. Often they feel that they are not victims, so that in handling cases of trafficking in persons, a special approach is needed to convince them to cooperate with the law enforcement process,” said Edwin. Only 23 people who applied came from the victims themselves and their families. While the other 124 requests came from law enforcement (Polri) and various other agencies/institutions. LPSK believes strengthening synergy between stakeholders is the key in combating the practice of trafficking in persons in the country. Meanwhile, LPSK Deputy Chair Antonius PS Wibowo added that throughout 2021, LPSK provide protection program services to 252 protected persons related to trafficking in persons. They receive assistance during the examination process at every stage of criminal justice, from investigation to trial. Victims of trafficking in persons, continued Antonius, are given medical, psychological, and psychosocial rehabilitation assistance as a step to fulfill their right to recovery as victims. "In 2021, LPSK will serve protected areas who are domiciled in 22 provinces. From a total of 48 TIP cases whose witnesses and/or victims are protected by LPSK, as many as 50 percent have been decided by the court and have permanent legal force," said Antonius. people can strengthen synergies to support each other in carrying out the duties and functions of each ministry/institution to technical implementing units in the regions. The role of civil society in supporting assistance and recovery work for victims is very important to ensure whether the rights of victims of trafficking in persons have been fulfilled.” LPSK is open to cooperating with all parties to ensure the rights of witnesses and victims of trafficking in persons can be fulfilled both during the legal process and in the recovery aspect of the victims," he said.