JAKARTA - Inggrid Purba sobbing about his experience at the end of April which was hit by online fraud mode. That's the last time he was able to communicate with the admin who guided him to take part-time work (part time). What was later discovered was an act of fraud. He was asked to deposit money, while continuing to do tasks that never finished. Meanwhile, the money in the deposit cannot be disbursed

Until finally the Admin disappeared with his money. He finally realized that he had become a victim of fraud, an online part time job offer. All the money deposited worth Rp. 120 million disappeared along with the disappearance of the website and telegram group where he used to communicate with his mentors. The tens of millions of money were borrowed by the boss and debts here and there. Even though he had agreed to pay all his debts in the early hours of the morning, with the hope that the money in the deposit could be disbursed after he closed his obligation to complete the task. He was stunned while lamenting his mounting debt.

Mela Nurhidayati also experienced the same story, initially on May 16, she received a WA message, containing an online part-time job offer. "He knows my name and number from Jobstreet, and offers an online part-time job, he asked what work to do, yes, "It's easy, Ms., it's quite like and follow the Instagram account. Later, you will get 40 thousand to 220 thousand," said the woman across the phone.

Who is not tempted by such easy work, without thinking Mela accepted the offer. Moreover, he is in need of additional work. He immediately followed 3 Instagram accounts, "I didn't initially suspect at all, because the job did exist. And I was proven to get a reward and the reward went straight into my account," he admitted in front of Kompas TV.

After completing the task. He was given another additional task, namely to multiply products from an e-commerce site and will get a commission from each item he likes. But previously the perpetrator asked Mela to put a deposit. And this is where the fraud process began, the victim was asked to complete the task, gradually and each stage of the task the value continued to grow even, up to tens of millions. The greater the value of the commission and the value of the money deposited as deposits grew.

But every time it ends the system's task, there is a problem. So that victims who don't want to lose their money. Try to add more deposits so they don't get finalty to meet the target at each stage. The usual victim is tricked by the deadline for completing his duties. Because if it is not fulfilled, the funds in the deposit will be scorched and the money will not return.

Because it was triggered by the snares of the system, the victim finally and often had to pawn goods, even looking for loans. Until many are caught in online loans (pinjol). It was aware that the victims after, they felt they were no longer able to pay or close the requested deposit and there was no way to find another loan.

The number of victims of this one case reached thousands, spread throughout Indonesia. One of the victims of Tria Mulyantina has formed a group of victims of part-time work fraud who have the same fate to file a report to the police. According to Tria, the victims who joined the association had reached 1200 people and the losses suffered were up to Rp. 36 billion. He said that actually there are still many who want to register themselves, and there could be more losses. Only now we are temporarily stopping, because his party is overwhelmed.

On average they are aware of being victims of fraud because they feel that their duties have never been completed. "It's said, they did wrongly, but they were asked to continue to add deposits. So they looked for loans to fulfill the tables they made. But when they wanted to win or withdraw funds, they couldn't. Even though they wanted to withdraw funds to return their debts, but they were said to have to pay a tax of Rp. 60 million. But until now there is no money that can come back, it's just a mode of outsmarting the victim," said Tria when giving information to Kompas TV. According to Tria, the victims were trapped by the wandering of time-dependent work advertisements on massive social media. Very convincing even the victim was given a letter of assignment. They also on behalf of the e-commerce platform company with the name of the official agency and the materai outbreak. they also did not hesitate to profit from Kominfo and the name OJK, so it was very convincing. For this case the victim is still falling, Tria admitted that she had complained about her case to the Criminal Investigation Police.

It is suspected that there are many groups of fraud syndicates with part-time work modes. Because even though one group was successfully secured by the East Jakarta Police, a number of people admitted that they were still victims of the same fraud. Disclosure of cases in East Jakarta began with public reports. The victim reported that he had been a victim of part-time work fraud and suffered losses of up to Rp. 878 million. Three perpetrators were arrested by the East Jakarta Police.

According to the East Jakarta Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Leo Simarmata, their modus operandi was to form a Network. They made books and savings accounts, then the savings book and account number were brought to Cambodia. There, the perpetrators in Cambodia created a web that was linked to a group of conversations. Furthermore, anyone who opens the web link will automatically enter the part-time work group. The perpetrators who were arrested were 3 people. Together they were confiscated by a number of cell phones, account books. It turned out that they are an international network. The police admitted that they were still developing the case, including pursuing syndicates in Cambodia.

Fraud cases using internet networks and digital devices are increasingly widespread. According to the Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel A. The increasing number of online fraud modes is influenced by the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia. According to data in 2021, the total number of internet users in Indonesia reached 202.6 million people.

Semuel appealed to the public to be vigilant and recognize the modus operandi of online fraud actors and get used to protecting personal data. The modes of online fraud that have recently occurred include phishing, pharming, sniffing, money mules, and social engineering.

Phishing is an official phishing term, which comes from English fishing, which is fishing. Phishing activities aim to lure people to provide personal information without realizing it. Then the information is used for the purpose of crime.

The second mode, pharming, is the mode that directs a person on a specific website. If the victim clicks on the site in question. It will make it easier for the perpetrator to access the victim's device illegally. On that link they actually install malware. Usually by sending the APK (Android Package Kit) program via email or invitation,

The third mode of Shiffing, this is the mode of hacking data on communication devices. Hacking usually occurs in wifi network users in public places, especially when it is used to access mobile banking or financial applications.

Another online fraud mode, is money mules. This mode is usually an offer to receive gifts. This mode is widely used in money laundry or money laundering crimes. Perpetrators usually send some money, but then ask us to send the money back to the perpetrator's account.

The fifth mode is online crime called social engineering mode, is there an online crime committed by the perpetrator by psychologically affecting the victim, so the victim is willing to provide important and sensitive data. Usually by taking the OTP (One-Time Password) code

Fraud with Social ensemble mode. Many occur in the case of Love scamming, where the victim is influenced psychologically so that the victim is willing to hand over some money, and is willing to make indecent photos which the perpetrator finally takes advantage of for extortion. Apart from this mode, this mode is common. This mode is known as Love Skimming or romance Skimming.

Victims usually get acquainted with perpetrators through social media such as Facebook, friendship sites, dating sites such as Tinder.com and so on. Often the perpetrators trick the victim by pretending to be a person who has the attention to look for the woman. Give grandiose promises and seduction. And usually the perpetrator claims to be in the high seas or remote areas and asks for help from victims to transfer certain money while promising to replace or send some money to the victim. The woman, who usually has been attracted, will just comply with the perpetrator's promises and requests. Later the money actor who has drained the victim's money then disappears.

According to a former fraudster, who had said his confession on the Uya Kuya Video Channel, admitted that they were not actually in a remote area, but were in prison. The syndicate of fraud is a prisoner who is serving a sentence in a prison in West Java known as " Dollar Prison". According to Mr X, let's say this, their group consists of many members. And working with their respective roles, and having advanced smartphones that easily go to prison.

Even their actions seemed protected and received the help of prison guards, apart from enjoying the proceeds of these crimes. New residents are often recruited as members of a syndicate, and employed to produce in prison. They commit fraud against women with love skimming mode. There is also a perverted chat mode, by changing the voice of men with the voice of women with certain applications.

Director General of Post and Information Administration of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Wayan Toni Supriyanto, said that to minimize online fraud cases, the Ministry of Communication and Information has opened a complaint service via telephone and short message services or short messages system (SMS). His party will verify the number reported, if the number is verified it will be blocked immediately.

The request for blocking can be done by attaching an SMS screenshot or a recording of a conversation indicated fraud. "Please complain about the one who was tricked, our job is to block the number and take down according to the existing rules," he told Voi.id via Whatsapp message, Monday 04 December.

When asked why fraud crimes have become more widespread lately. He admitted that he could not answer it. "Maybe just need digital literacy, so that people can sort out which ones are frauds." he added.

When asked what kind of online fraud the public complained about the most, Wayan said the fraud that many complained about was fraud using Facebook profiles and contacting via whatsapp numbers.

The results of the latest research by Gadjah Mada University (UGM), a study that is a collaboration between the Department of Communications UGM, the Center for Digital Society UGM and conducted in 34 provinces, showed that 66.6% of respondents had been victims of online fraud.

The high number of cases prompted them to recommend the government to form an integrated complaint platform between various government institutions. In fact, the government has so far had a complaint page, such as the Patrolsiber.id page, but the victim felt that their complaints were often not followed up.

Seeing the handling of digital fraud cases, they said they could imitate Malaysia in sharing complaints and handling if financial matters were brought back by Bank Negara Malaysia, cases of fraud through cellular networks such as phishing were managed by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). They believe digital fraud should be carried out through cross-authority collaboration.

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