All Content Creators Can Use YouTube's Livestream Caption Feature In 12 Languages
Illustration (Christian Wiediger/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Now all content creators can use the auto livestream caption feature on YouTube. Previously, this feature was limited to channels with 1,000 subscribers.

Compiled from The Verge, Saturday, October 9, the livestream caption feature is available for 12 more languages including Japanese, Turkish and Spanish.

"Previously this feature was only available to channels with 1,000+ subscribers, but we've removed that requirement," said YouTube.

In announcing a number of new features, YouTube also brought the platform's ability to add multiple audio tracks to videos.

It works to support multiple languages and audio descriptions for those with visual impairments. There is also an expansion of the automatic translation feature coming to mobile devices.

"We'll be rolling out automatic subtitles in supported languages on Android & iOS later this year. Currently only available on Desktop," said YouTube.

All the features and updates that the platform brings are aimed at helping make YouTube more accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Extended language support for livestream captions and automatic translations is coming in the next few months.

Meanwhile, some more audio tracks will also be available in the coming quarters. Furthermore, YouTube stated they are also still working on the Subtitle Editor permission feature, and will provide updates on its progress in the coming months.

The feature allows content creators to point others to add subtitles to their videos, which is meant to replace the community captions feature, a feature YouTube recently removed.

"This will be a new Channel Permission in YouTube Studio that allows content creators to delegate the creation of captions or subtitles on their channel to people they trust. We know this is taking longer than expected, thank you for being patient with us," concluded YouTube.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by