JAKARTA - A report published on Tuesday, September 28 says the shift to electric vehicles will force major changes in the auto industry and requires EU support for a 'reskilling' program to help workers prepare for a zero-emissions future.

Platforms for Electromobility, an industry group, said a report by the Boston Consulting Group showed by 2030 European auto industry employment will fall by less than 1% from the current 5.7 million people amid the transition to electric vehicles.

But jobs at traditional manufacturers and suppliers focused on combustion engines will fall by 20% and 42%, respectively - among them a cumulative loss of 500,000 positions. At the same time, employment at suppliers focused on zero-emissions technology will increase by 300,000 workers, representing a 10% increase, the study said.

The European Commission has proposed an effective ban on new petrol and diesel cars starting in 2035.

The automaker has warned that jobs in conventional combustion engine plants would be particularly risky and has called on the European Union to help mitigate the impact of the switch to electricity on manufacturing workers.

Platform for Electromobility said the study predicts a large increase in jobs for energy production related to the automotive industry, and charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

The group said the EU, governments and companies should focus on investing in education, training, 'skills upgrading' and 'reskilling' workers to "ensure no one is left behind" as the industry shifts to electric vehicles.

"The auto industry is very strategic for Europe as a whole involving a large number of people living everywhere, so it's important that the EU works with member states on accompanying policies," Platform for Electromobility Chair Arne Richters told Reuters. "Upgrading skills and making them a strategic priority is an important point."

The group represents a number of organizations and companies including automakers Tesla Inc, Renault and Nissan, charging company ChargePoint, and US conglomerate 3M.

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