JAKARTA - What is happening around us will be discussed on Twitter in real-time. Millions of conversations on Twitter also usually play a role in shaping a culture or trend.

By analyzing Tweets for the last three years from July 2018 to June 2021), Twitter explores the conversations that are taking place in Indonesia, from what is being said to the various conversational trends that have emerged recently.

The findings of the analysis are contained in the TwitterTrends Indonesia Report. This report notes six trends that dominate conversations in Indonesia, namely Wellbeing, Creator Culture, Everyday Wonder, One Planet, Tech Life, and My Identity. These findings can be important insights for brands to connect with their audiences and keep them top of mind.

“The Twitter Trends Indonesia report describes the trends that shape a conversation in the community. This report also provides insight into what people think, what matters to them, and how brands can participate in conversations to stay relevant to their audience on Twitter," said Country Industry Head, Twitter Indonesia, Dwi Adriansah.

The following are six trends in Twitter conversations in Indonesia based on the analysis of conversations in the last three years received by VOI, Thursday, September 16.

1. Well-being

Indonesians are redefining what well-being means to them, from taking care of their mental health to prioritizing self-care. The growth in conversations around well-being is over 17 percent on Twitter. This topic is constantly evolving, and is not limited to health or maintaining health.

The top sub-pillars that emerged from the well-being conversation were Embracing Self-Care 23 percent and Mental Health Matters 17 percent. As the conversation increases, Indonesians seek support, reassurance, advice from community members, and find each other's strength by sharing experiences.

Creator Culture

With more time spent at home, Indonesian creativity creates a new generation of entrepreneurs, content creators, and people who want to make a difference to achieve a common goal (everyday makers).

On Twitter, there was a 33 percent growth in conversations around content creators. Aspiring Makers 34 percent, Conscious Creators 29 percent, and Creativity at Home 59 percent are sub-pillars of the Creator Culture trend.

Everyday Wonder

Indonesians are always interested in phenomena in their daily life (everyday wonders), ranging from the supernatural world, astrology, to folklore. They talk about these topics on Twitter and share entertainment with their community.

These conversations increased by 19 percent. Imaginative Escapism 30 percent, Acting on Astrology 33 percent, and Wisdom of Myth and Folklore 20 percent are the top sub-pillars in this trend.

One Planet

Indonesians are increasingly aware of the impact of their daily behavior on the environment. When Indonesians have higher knowledge and passion, they voice their concerns through conversation to create change.

Conversation about One Planet increased 26 percent with Next to Nature 39 percent and Environment Urgency 19 percent as the top sub-pillars of this trend.

Tech Life

Tech Life is the trend with the highest conversation growth on Twitter in Indonesia as much as 89 percent. One of the factors driving this is the integration of technology into everyday life. With e-commerce increasingly dominating Indonesia in recent years, the conversation around e-commerce has increased by 254 percent.

The high adoption of technology in 2020 also paved the way for many e-commerce players to innovate. Conversations around access to knowledge and learning opportunities also increased 38 percent. This is supported by technology that makes it easier for Indonesians to get information, learn new things, and share ideas.

My Identity

Indonesians come to Twitter because of shared values and goals and want to understand themselves better, as well as encourage one another. Conversations around self-identity emerged driven by the increasing number of conversations about equality, justice, and what they believed in.

At the same time, Indonesians find the courage and inspiration to be themselves and do what is important to them. With a 10 percent increase in conversations, conversations around the sub-pillars of My Identity were mostly related to Fan Power 12 percent and Ethics in Action 2 percent.

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