JAKARTA - Royal Dutch Shell on Wednesday 1 September announced plans to expand its network of electric vehicle charging points in the UK. Shell reportedly wants to install 50,000 postal charging stations on the country's roads by 2025.

Shell will implement the plan through ubitricity, an on-road charging point company it acquired in February that operates around 3,600 chargers in the UK.

The expansion is part of a government-backed push to rapidly grow the UK's electric vehicle (EV) fleet in line with its target to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050. The UK also plans to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030.

According to a recent government report, between 280,000 and 480,000 charging points will be needed in the UK by 2030, compared to 25,000 currently. To support the expansion of charging points in the UK, Shell plans to help local authorities finance their installation.

The Anglo-Dutch company, which has been known as a producer and player of fossil fuels for vehicles, wants to turn into a company that provides electricity. But Shell did not provide details on the cost of the initiative, which will make money by selling its power at charging points.

Shell aims to grow its global network of electric vehicle charging points from more than 60,000 points today to 500,000 by 2025 as part of its strategy to become a net zero emission company by mid-century.

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