YOGYAKARTA - Two months have passed since Microsoft introduced its newest Windows 11 series, since then, many devices have been updated with this latest version of the operating system.

Comes with a variety of updates, the presence of Windows 11 also triggers hype among fans and loyal users. Moreover, the company has also added many advanced and latest features to this brand-new operating system.

For example, a Mac-like interface, integration with Android apps, adding widgets for certain services, Microsoft Teams integration, and much more. The types of updates that certainly make it easier for user productivity and activities.

Since its initial launch, Microsoft has stated limits on devices that can be updated with this latest operating system. Among other things, the device is supported by a 64-bit 1GHz dual-core CPU, 4GB RAM, and 64GB of internal storage.

However, over the past few days, unpleasant news has spread. Citing The Verge, Microsoft announced changes to the minimum requirements for devices that can run Windows 11.

It was stated that the company determined that devices that were still running the older generation of CPUs would not be able to run this latest operating system. This means that there are millions of devices around the world that probably won't be able to update their operating systems to Windows 11.

Can Install If Using ISO

Actually, the latest Windows notification above can be interpreted double. The first meaning, and what many believe, the notification indicates that Windows 11 is only limited to certain series devices.

This means, as many feared, making device owners with older CPUs unable to install this operating system. However, there are other opinions that are no less interesting.

XDA-Developers mentions that laptops with older CPUs can also be installed with this new operating system. The origin, the device already meets the minimum requirements proposed by the company. Namely RAM capacity of 4GB < 1GHz dual-core CPU, and 64GB of internal storage.

It's just that, users need to go through a rather detour. Namely by installing Windows 11 using an ISO file. For those who don't know, ISO file is a type of archive file containing data stored in optical disk storage media (Optical Disk). Examples such as CD, DVD, or Blu-ray.

This means that users need to move Windows files to a CD, then format the CD so that it can be read by a laptop or PC. Unfortunately, XDA-Developers are reluctant to explain how to convert Windows 11 files into ISO form.

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