JAKARTA - Caring for an automatic motorcycle is not as difficult as you think. You can even do it yourself at home without the need to come to the workshop too often. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly care for an automatic motorcycle. Finally, these two wheels are prone to damage.

If you want to know how to take good care of an automatic motorbike like the Honda Vario 150, it's good to listen to some simple tips below. That way, even if the automatic motor is used with high intensity, the risk of experiencing damage is small.

1. Changing the Oil

One important thing that must be carried out by automatic motor users is changing the oil. Regular replacement will make the engine performance run well. Various obstacles such as the machine is often stuck or overheating will not occur.

Normally the oil used for the engine should be changed approximately every 6 months. In addition, if you have traveled a distance of 10,000 km, the engine oil must also be replaced so that the performance of the automatic motor is maintained.

In addition, oil changes must also be done on the shockbreaker. This replacement will make the motor run properly. Moreover, you often pass through bumpy or rocky roads. A awake shockbreaker will make the trip more comfortable.

2. Taking care of the battery

In contrast to the fuel that will run out if seen on the indicator. Aki that is left a little will not be seen. As a result, you can not be alert if at any time the power runs out. One indicator if the battery has decreased or is about to run out is that the light is decreasing or it is difficult to start.

A depleted battery will put you at risk of an accident when driving at night. In addition, you will also be tired of continuing to use the kick starter which sometimes also jams.

For this reason, it is recommended to check the power on the battery every 8 months. When it runs out, you can immediately refill it. That way the tragedy of the battery running out of power in the middle of the road will not happen.

3. Avoid Running Out of Gasoline

Experiencing running out of gas in the middle of the road until the tank is completely empty, should be avoided if you use an automatic motorbike. Especially if the automatic motor used is an injection type. The risk of damage to the machine will be great.

As soon as the indicator is close to E, refill immediately. That way you can prevent the motor from breaking down in the middle of the road.

4. Washed regularly

Do the washing regularly every few days. When driving in rainy conditions and often exposed to dirt, washing must be done every day. This is done to avoid the deposition of dirt on the motor body.

5. Use the Right Gasoline

Automatic motors usually use fuel such as pertalite or pertamax. Avoid using premium because it can cause damage to the engine if done repeatedly. Refueling must be done at gas stations. Try not to refill on the side of the road because you don't know if the fuel is mixed or not. It's safe when you arrive at the gas station, you can immediately fill a full tank. That way you will not run out of fuel in the middle of the road.

6. Limiting Usage

Motor matic certainly different components in it with a motor sport or a standard motorcycle. Both motors can be used to travel long distances. Meanwhile, automatic motorcycles are only suitable for use at close range or in urban areas.

Limit the use of automatic motors so that they are not easily damaged. One of the restrictions is that it is not used for long trips such as trips outside the city which can be hundreds of kilometers away.

7. Routine Tune Up to the Workshop

After being used for several months, the components of the automatic motor generally experience little change. Two wheels will experience a decrease in function or there are components whose positions change. This condition can reduce performance when driving.

To avoid this, usually once a month or every two months, motor matic users are required to tune up their mounts. This process can be carried out in an official workshop or a workshop that has collaborated with the brand of the motorcycle used.

When the tune up process is carried out, all components in the automatic motor will be repaired or returned to their initial condition.

This process will restore the performance of all auto parts so that the automatic motor can be run optimally. Tune up is also done to avoid component damage. So, you don't need to change spare parts frequently.

8. Heated Once a Day

The automatic motor must be heated once every day. Warming up the engine is done to avoid problems with the engine.

The process of heating the automatic motor engine only takes 5-10 minutes. It doesn't take too long as long as the engine area feels warm. You can warm up the engine by starting the engine via the kick starter on the side. Avoid using an electric starter so that the battery lasts longer.

Caring for the automatic motor must be done regularly every day. Even simple maintenance such as regular oil changes can have a big impact. Moreover, you often bring a motor matic tune up to the workshop.

For those of you who don't have an automatic motorbike and want to buy it online. It is recommended to use Blibli. By using this platform, you can buy in cash or credit. All transactions made on the Blibli application or website are proven safe and secure. So, you only need to buy from a cellphone and your dream automatic motorbike can be sent directly to your home.

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