JAKARTA - Online educational tools have revolutionized the way we learn. Motivated students can learn at their own pace, with college-level courses that can be taken at any time to suit today's busy lifestyle.

You may want to start a new career, learn a new language or simply want to expand your knowledge of a particular subject for personal development. Free online classes are a great way to try out a new field of study without the financial or time commitments that come with enrolling in a traditional college.

The VoI team tried to formulate some of the best websites that provide free classes and are available to students of all ages and income levels. All it takes to study at home is a computer or mobile device, an internet connection, and a strong desire to learn.

Here is a foreign language learning website to learn language skills to broaden your skills and understanding.

Best Websites for Languages

If you're interested in learning a new language -- whether it's for your career, planning a vacation, or exploring a new language and culture -- there are free online classes available.


This popular online language learning platform offers a monthly subscription service, but you can try any of their courses for 30 days. There are also apps available for mobile phones.

They offer classes in 14 languages, including French, Spanish, Danish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and Turkish. Babbel uses proven strategies to optimize the learning experience for fast results.


Duolingo is free to use, although you can pay to remove ads, and there are apps available for iPhone and Android phones. They offer courses in 35 languages, from French, English and Spanish to Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Greek, Scottish Gaelic, Swahili and Navajo. The short lessons are designed to feel more like a game than a serious textbook and a learning style found to increase retention.


Featuring real-life language content, a phone app, and a user forum, Memrise is an online language community offering teaching for 22 languages, including German, Spanish (Spanish or Mexican), French Arabic, Polish, Korean, Mongolian, Russian, Icelandic and Slovenian. Like Duolingo, Memrise language studies are like a game, using space recognition to speed up the learning process.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)