JAKARTA – The origin of the Coronavirus is still a debate among the public. Not long ago the US Republican Party again made accusations against China, they said that the Coronavirus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

The statement was delivered by the representative of the US Republican Party, Mike McCaul, Monday, August 2, 2021. The Republican Party claims to have data that supports the report.

The report contains evidence that scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology are modifying the coronavirus to infect humans and several hidden manipulations.

In addition, it was also mentioned that in the modification of the Coronavirus, WIV was assisted by experts from the United States. Not only that, but the report also stated that WIV received funding from the US.

Based on the Reuters report, Mike McCaul released a report from his party's panel staff. McCaul also urged the government to re-investigate the origins of Covid-19.

This report refutes the theory circulating among experts which states that the Coronavirus originated in animals and then spread to humans since 2019. Republicans said the coronavirus might have been transmitted at a seafood market located near the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


"We also believe that there is a lot of evidence that the virus did leak from WIB and that it happened before September 12, 2019", the report said.

This refutes the theory circulating in the public. Republicans say it's time to abandon the theory. They also claim to have a lot of evidence pointing to the leak of the virus from the Wuhan virology laboratory.

The report cites a relatively new and not widely disclosed source regarding health protocols in virology laboratories. In addition, there is also data regarding requests for the repair of malicious processing systems in 2019. The repair of the system cost 1.5 million US dollars for a relatively new facility.

The Biden administration reportedly agreed with the statement that the virus was neither man-made nor a modified virus. However, one month later President Biden instructed US intelligence to investigate the origins of the coronavirus.

Reportedly from the results of the investigation it is not yet known whether the Coronavirus came from the Wuhan laboratory or animals. The latest news reports that in the last few days the Wuhan government is conducting a Covid-19 test for all residents of Wuhan after it was detected one case of the delta variant.

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