Easy Ways To See Your Friends' Locations On Snapchat Without Being Known
How to find out where your friends are on Snapchat (Business Insider)

JAKARTA – Users can see the location of friends on Snapchat. The method is quite easy because this application already presents a feature called Snap Map that allows users to find out the location of friends easily.

Snapchat is a social media application that is popular among young people because its main function is photo sharing. In addition, you can also peek at the location of friends with the Snap Map feature.

For information, Snap Map is an interactive feature to find out the location of ourselves, friends, and a number of places that are holding certain events. Here's how to find out where your friends are on Snapchat, as compiled by VOI from various sources.

How to View Friends' Locations on Snapchat

1. Allow Applications to Access User Location

Before being able to access a friend's location, it's a good idea for Snapchat users to first allow Snapchat to access the user's own location by going to Settings > See My Location, then clicking Allow. In Who Can See My Location, the user must check the My Friend option.

Cara mengakses lokasi teman di Snapchat (tangkapan layar, Snapchat)

2. Swipe from the bottom of the screen to see the location of friends

If so, the user only needs to enter the camera screen and swipe the screen from top to bottom, the location of active users and friends will appear. Now users can see the location of friends in the Snapchat application along with the whereabouts of friends who are near the user.

Lokasi teman terlihat di Snapchat (Makeuseof)

3. Request a Friend's Location

Another way to easily find out a friend's location is to ask a friend to send him their location. To request a friend's location, users only need to go to a friend's profile page, then under Snap Map settings, press Request Location.

Cara meminta lokasi teman di Snapchat (Tangkapan layar Snapchat)

Keep in mind that a location request will be sent by Snapchat if the user or a friend of the user first allows the location request. For that the user must enter the profile, then open the Settings gear in the upper corner, then press Enable friends to request location.

That's how to find out the location of friends easily in the Snapchat application. Good luck!

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