JAKARTA - Several internet cafes in China have turned their business into crypto mining sites. The cafes are in danger of closing due to the pandemic.

Initially, the internet cafe had 200 computers which were often used by online gamers. Since the pandemic hit, the owner of an internet cafe in Nantong, Jiangsu, has changed course and is now using it to mine crypto.

Based on The Time Weekly report, several internet cafes that are open 24 hours designed for PC gamers have begun to close since 2020. The pandemic has put the internet cafe business out of business. A total of 13 thousand internet cafes have been closed.

The owner of the cafe in Nantong is currently rumored to have successfully mined more than $ 6,210 worth of crypto. Since last September 2020, he said that he had obtained $ 31,000 from mining.

Launching Cointelegraph, most of the big internet cafes in Nantong are also reported to have turned into crypto mining sites.


Another cafe owner in Zunyi, Guizhou Province did the same. The internet cafe boss managed to make around $ 7,800 a month.

In addition, Cryptonews also reports that as many as 20 percent of internet cafes in South Korea have converted into crypto mining sites.

Internet cafe owners in China are only trying to get 80 percent of the mining activity. Even so, the cafe owners hope things can return to normal as before. They want their cafes to be filled with gamers again instead of being used for crypto mining.

"Customers still provide more income than (yield) of crypto mining, because they often buy snacks and other goods from our counters", said one internet cafe owner as quoted by Cryptonews.

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