JAKARTA - Russian space authorities announced that four crew candidates are filming or shooting for a film in space for the first time.
The Russian Space Agency Roscosmos said that in order for these candidates to be able to adjust and be ready to live their 'life' in space, a series of tests were taken by the candidates.
"Among other things, they have to do centrifus tests, standing vibration tests, conduct introductory flights and training in zero gravity aircraft, undergo parachute training," Roscosmos explained, according to Reuters.
After medical examinations and as an actor for the film, Russia selected beautiful artist Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko, 37, to be included in the film's main crew titled 'Vyzov' (The Challenge). Meanwhile artist Alena Mordovina and camera director Alexei Dudin were nominated for backup crew.
"Some of them are scheduled to be launched aboard a Soyuz MS-19 aircraft on October 5 to be sent to the International Space Station (ISS) orbiting Earth at an altitude of about 220 miles (354 km)," according to Roscosmos and NASA.

The film 'The Challenge' itself was produced by Riscosmos in collaboration with Channel One Russia and the film studio Yellow, Black and White.
"This film is about how someone who is completely connected to space exploration, got into trouble a month later in space orbit," said Channel One Russia chief Konstantin Ernst.
For the record, in October 2020 Russia sent the last crew carrying members of the United States to the International Space Station (ISS), marking the end of a long-standing dependence as the United States revived its own crew launch capabilities in an effort to lower the cost of sending astronauts into space.
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