JAKARTA - The Government of Uzbekistan is reconsidering its stance on crypto money. The National Project Management Agency (NAFT) which is under the direct instruction of the President of Uzbekistan issued official documents containing licensing of cryptocurrencies.

According to a report from Cointelegraph, the government of Uzbekistan officially allows its citizens to conduct "all kinds of crypto trading and exchanges involving crypto assets and tokens in exchange for national and foreign currencies."

The Financial Authority of Uzbekistan insists that crypto investors will trade and invest at their own risk. The document from NAFT aims to establish a number of requirements for registering, issuing and circulating digital assets, and issuing licenses for crypto companies in Uzbekistan to issue their tokens.

The government of Uzbekistan will begin to deliberate on these regulations until 14 May. The news shows that the Uzbek government has changed its attitude towards cryptocurrency.

It was noted that in 2019 the government of Uzbekistan had banned its citizens from buying cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin (BTC). Even though it is prohibited, the government still allows residents to sell their cryptocurrency holdings.

A year later, Uzbekistan launched its first crypto trading exchange called Uznex in 2020. Today, Uzbekistan's attitude is reversing. Now they are more open to the evolution of money from conventional money to digital money such as cryptocurrency.

For information, Uznex itself was launched by a technology company from South Korea. The technology company has been a technology advisor to the Uzbek government.

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