JAKARTA - Google is starting a new step by expanding its Android-based earthquake detection and warning system. The company is filling a gap where there are few seismometers and no early warning system.

A seismometer is a device that detects ground movements, such as earthquakes. The program, which was launched earlier in California last year, will also be available in Greece and New Zealand starting today. This is the first time the company has tackled everything from detecting earthquakes to alerting individuals.

However, how does this feature work? Quoted from The Verge, Thursday, April 29, if an earthquake occurs, Android devices will feel the waves generated by the earthquake. Then, Google will analyze the data from the cellphone and send an early warning to users who are in the affected area.

Users will get alerts automatically unless they opt-out of this service. It is known, Google is also working with the United States Geological Survey and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services to send earthquake alerts to Android users in California.

Last year, Google started collecting earthquake data from cell phones. Then use it to inform users if they search for "earthquakes" or "earthquakes near me" on their cell phones.

The Google system works because every cellphone is equipped with an accelerometer that can detect movement. The accelerometer can also detect primary and secondary earthquake waves.

"The accelerometer almost acts as a mini seismometer, joining the millions of other Android phones out there to form the largest earthquake detection network in the world", said Google.

Meanwhile, principal Android software engineer at Google, Marc Stogaitis stressed it would be great if there were a ubiquitous seismometer-based system that could detect earthquakes.

"There are some limitations to Google's system. The people closest to the earthquake may not get much early warning because they will be the first to detect the earthquake. But their phone will help alert others who are further away, giving them time to take cover", said Stogaitis.

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