JAKARTA The Swedish artificial intelligence startup IntuiCell has created a robot dog named Luna which has a functional digital nervous system. Different from traditional robots, Luna is able to learn and adapt like humans and animals without requiring large data or offline simulations.

Luna is one of the early examples of agent physical AI. This means that it does not only carry out certain tasks or generates content, but can also make its own decisions and act to achieve certain goals.

Luna Learns Like A Real Dog

Instead of using a generative AI model with extensive data, Intui Cell chose a different approach by recruiting a native dog coach to teach Luna to walk.

"We have created the first software that allows learning machines such as humans and animals," Intuicell CEO and founder Viktor Luthman said in an interview.

Luthman emphasized that this system does not require initial training, offline simulations, or large data centers. On the other hand, Luna has a digital nervous system that allows her to learn naturally.

Currently, Luna can stand on her own feet and will continue to develop through direct interaction with the real world.

Potential Humanoids And Exploration Of Extreme Environment

This technology has great potential for the development of humanoid robots that can operate in unexpected environments, such as: Smart Robots can be sent to Mars to build habitats for humans. Deep Sea Exploration of robots can operate in extreme environments without the need for previous training. Disaster response Robots can help search and rescue in emergency situations.

According to Luthman, these robots must have the ability to adapt to new situations, because it is impossible for them to be trained in advance to face all the possibilities that exist.

Supported By Investment From Europe

IntuiCell is a startup from Lund University in Sweden and was founded in 2020. The company has received funding from: Navigare Ventures (Sweden) SNhir Ventures (Norwegia) The European Union

With this support, IntuiCell hopes to further develop AI technology with a digital nervous system, bringing robots to an intelligence level that is increasingly approaching humans.

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