JAKARTA Internet service providers (ISPs) can limit your connections if you play games too often or stream. However, the use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help prevent the management of ISP traffic that interferes with your internet experience.
Along with the increasing number of bandwidths offered by ISP to customers, in fact not all users get the promised speed. This is due to the so-called bandwidth threading or internet speed restrictions by the ISP.
In simple terms, bandwidth threading is the ISP's action in reducing the number of bandwidths available for user connections, resulting in a decrease in internet speed. These restrictions can apply overall or only to certain activities such as streaming and gaming.
Although it looks unfair, ISPs usually include this policy in their terms and conditions. There are several reasons why ISPs limit bandwidth.
There are several main reasons why ISP applies internet speed restrictions:
Network Density When too many users access the internet simultaneously, the ISP can limit individual bandwidths to ensure all users get a stable connection.
Bandwidth Restrictions Some ISPs, especially those providing mobile internet services, limit the amount of data that can be used at full speed. Once these limits are reached, users' internet speeds are reduced to the next collection cycle.
Paid Priority Some ISPs can limit connections to certain services while giving higher priority to services paying them for faster access.
Restricting Illegal Access ISP can also slow down connections to sites or services deemed unlawful in a country.
There are several ways to check if your ISP limits your internet connection:
Conducting Speed Tests Using a service like Ookla Speedtest to compare download and upload speeds with promised speeds by the ISP.
Checking File Transfer Speeds If your file transfer speed is much slower than expected, it could be that the ISP is limiting your connection.
Using VPN Try to test speed with and without VPN. If the speed increases while using VPN, most likely the ISP is limiting your connection based on certain activities.
VPN works by encrypting your internet connection and directing traffic through other servers before reaching its final destination. That way, the ISP can't see the specific activity you're doing, so they can't limit speeds based on certain types of activities.
However, it should be noted that the VPN cannot cope with all types of thrusting. If the ISP restricts connections in general or because of data quota constraints, the VPN will not help much. However, if the restrictions are based on specific services or activities, the VPN can be an effective solution.
Bandwidth restrictions by ISPs are a reality that many internet users must face. While it can help regulate network traffic, practices such as paid priorities and restrictions on certain activities often harm users.
Using VPN can help avoid activity-based restrictions and ensure more stable and fast connections. Until network infrastructure develops better, VPN remains one of the best solutions for users who want to enjoy the internet without a hitch from ISP.
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