JAKARTA Google continues to encourage the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to help people around the world. This technology continues to be developed through collaborative innovation in various fields.
Currently, Google is running two collaboration programs that focus on handling human problems around the world, first is AI Collaborative: Wildfires and the second is AI Collaborative: Food Security. Both of these programs are funded by Google.org.
AI Collaborative: Wildfires are a program run to deal with forest fires. Every year, this global crisis takes more than 300,000 lives due to exposure to smoke. In addition, this natural disaster can cause economic losses.
There are many buildings and valuables that have been scorched so that their economic losses can reach billions of dollars. Therefore, Google has brought together dozens of non-profit organizations to overcome natural disasters that can harm this country and the world.
"AI Collaborative: Wildfires is a strategic initiative by Google.org that unites leading nonprofit institutions, academic institutions, government agencies, and companies to help communities and communities manage fires using AI," Google said.
To develop the right technology, Google.org has donated USD 27 million or approximately IDR 466 billion. Of the many organizations that have joined this innovation, there are the Earth Fire Alliance and the Moore Foundation.
"By coordinating funding and combining cutting-edge sciences, new technologies, and applications in the field, we can provide the tools collaborators need to identify and track forest fires in almost real time," Google explained.
Meanwhile, AI Collaborative: Food Security is a collaborative program created to deal with food scarcity, both moderately and severely. Usually, this scarcity occurs due to conflicts, economic problems, to extreme weather.
By using AI, Google wants to strengthen the global food system and quickly share food information. Those who join in will share data and take coordinated actions to help the community.
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