JAKARTA - Netflix announced that it will present HDR10+ content for supporting devices, in order to improve the viewing experience with improved image quality and accuracy.

This innovation comes after nearly a decade Netflix has been a pioneer in the adoption of High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology. It is also known that in the last five years, HDR streaming on Netflix has increased by more than 300 percent.

"We continue to increase the excitement of the members while maintaining the creative vision by adding support for HDR10+," the company said in an announcement on its official blog.

HDR10+ on Netflix activated using AV1 video codec, a video compression standard developed by Alliance for Open Media (AOM) in 2018.

Previously Netflix had enabled AV1 for SDR content. After looking at higher and more consistent visual quality, lower playback delays, and streaming upgrades at the highest resolution, AV1 will be used for HDR10+ mode.

To increase our offerings, we have added the HDR10+ flow to new releases and the existing popular HDR title. AV1-HDR10+ now covers 50 percent of all eligible watch hours."

At the time of launch, Netflix shared conditions that must be met to receive HDR10+ on Netflix:

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