JAKARTA The dispute between the non-profit media Matters and X, previously known as Twitter, is still happening. If previously X sued Media Matters, now what is happening is the opposite.
Media Matters reportedly sued X on charges of 'harassment' and a 'litigation campaign around the world' for dating them in several countries. If Media Matters wins this lawsuit, they may be able to block X's lawsuit in other countries.
X sued Media Matters after the agency created an article about advertising on X. Based on the institution's findings, X is known to have advertised alongside Nazi and Hitler's supporting content. Shortly after the article went viral, X denied the allegations.
Unfortunately, X has already lost a lot of advertisers because of the articles created by Media Matters. Therefore, X filed a lawsuit on charges of threatening the relationship between company X and its advertisers. This lawsuit was filed three at once.
Quoting from The Verge report, X filed a lawsuit in three countries, namely Texas, Ireland, and Singapore. However, Media Matters did not accept the lawsuit, so they sued platform X.
According to the agency, X should have complained them to a court in San Francisco because his headquarters were there. The main purpose of making this report is to stop X's actions which are considered to have harmed their institutions.
"All disputes related to this provision or Services will be resolved only in federal courts or states located in San Francisco County, California, United States," Media Matters wrote in its lawsuit.
Media Matters pun meminta pengadilan untuk menghentikan seluruh gugatan X di luar AS, seperti Irlandia dan Singapura. Permintaan ini diajukan karena Media Matters telah menghabiskan juta dolar untuk membela diri di pengadilan dan mereka ingin mendapatkan penggalaman.
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