JAKARTA TikTok introduces a new feature to limit youth access at night. This feature involves relaxing music and application blocking support through the Family Pairing feature managed by parents.
In the US, teens under 16 will get a warning not to use the TikTok app after 10 p.m. However, the distribution platform still provides additional time that its teenage users often use.
Although TikTok displays warnings, children often ignore these warnings so TikTok will use new methods. When users are still opening the app when the clock shows 10 p.m., TikTok will interrupt the For You feed view.
The platform will display music that can help teens stay relaxed. The hope is that this relaxation music can remind users to pay more attention to time. Even so, this full screen display can be turned off by users.
On its official website, TikTok also explains that it will again feature a second full screen to contain youth activity. The video distribution platform believes that this warning will be difficult to ignore compared to the first warning.
"In the coming weeks, we will also be testing the addition of meditation exercises to reminders to rest, as research shows that caring meditation can improve sleep quality," TikTok said, quoted on Wednesday, March 12.
Next, TikTok also increased Family Pairing support by launching the Time Away feature. This new feature is intended for parents who want to block their child's access to TikTok. As long as this feature is active, the app will not be accessible for a while.
This feature is given so that parents or guardians can directly control the time of use of TikTok. If parents suddenly change their minds, this feature can be rearranged. The reason is, TikTok gives full control to parents so that they can make a final decision.
"Whether it's during family time, school, at night, or weekends, caregivers can use our new Time Away feature to decide when is the best time for their teenage children to rest," TikTok explained.
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