JAKARTA iPhone is known as a device with the support of a single SIM card, especially in Indonesia. In fact, some people may need two SIM card slots to store their number.
In fact, a number of iPhone models still support the use of dual SIM cards, even in recent models such as the iPhone 16 series. However, this model is not available across the country. Some regions even only provide e-SIM support, not Nano SIM.
Nano SIM is a physical SIM card that needs to be inserted into a cellphone, while e-SIM is a digital SIM card without physical appearance. Even so, this card model can activate a mobile data package or buy credit in the application.
The availability of dual SIM on the iPhone is also diverse. Some of them are Nano SIM, some combine Nano SIM and e-SIM, some only provide two e-SIMs. Here are some iPhones with dual SIM support, quoted from Makeuseof.
iPhone Dual SIM Special for e-SIM
Support for this iPhone model is only available in the US. This means that you cannot enter the Nano SIM card because no slot is provided. The following is a complete list of supporting devices.
iPhone with a combination of e-SIM and Nano SIM
The following iPhone model provides physical card slots as well as digital cards. That way, users can use two e-SIM cards or combine an e-SIM card with one Nano SIM. Here are some supporting devices.
iPhone Dual SIM Khusus Nano SIM
In some countries, iPhones still have to provide two physical card slots. Support like this can be found in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau due to government regulations. The following is a list of devices that allow dual Nano SIMs in the country.
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