JAKARTA WhatsApp announced that it had stopped the spyware attack targeting journalists last December. The attack, which also targeted civilians, came from Paragon Solutions.
This hacking attempt through malicious software attacks 90 users.
WhatsApp has contacted the affected party saying it has found spyware and users are 'possibly compromised' by irresponsible parties.
The company did not specify who was the target of this attack. However, it is explained that users who are targeted are in more than two dozen countries, one of which is Europe.
In addition to contacting users who were targeted by spyware, Meta, which oversees WhatsApp, has also contacted Paragon Solutions.
The company led by Mark Zuckerberg has given an order to stop and is exploring legal options.
"This is the latest example why spyware companies should be responsible for their illegal actions," WhatsApp spokesman Zade Alsawah said. "WhatsApp will continue to protect people's ability to communicate privately."
Paragon is a competitor to the NSO Group that once claimed they are an ethical cyber defense company.
However, these findings suggest the opposite. The Paragon has attacked civilians for unclear reasons.
Termination of Paragon spyware attacks is not the first.
As a company that continues to enforce security, WhatsApp has stopped various dangerous actions from cyber companies. In 2019, WhatsApp sued NSO Group.
The Pegasus manufacturer was declared to have attacked 1,400 people with various professions, including journalists, activists, and government officials.
After his movements were detected by WhatsApp, NSO Group was declared responsible for the attack.
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