JAKARTA Gemini's performance has now increased after Google launched its newest Artificial Intelligence (AI) basic model. The company introduced the Flash 2.0 model on Thursday, January 30.

Thanks to Flash 2.0, Gemini's response to orders was getting faster. Google also says that Gemini's performance is getting much better, especially in providing daily help to do tasks, exchange ideas, or just learning.

Not only improving the performance of its chatbots, but Google has also increased the number of tokens in the upload file. This latest AI model allows Gemini to access context windows with 1M tokens. This limit applies to files with a maximum of 1,500 pages.

In addition, image creation at Gemini has also increased. Flash 2.0 makes images look more detailed, textured, and more accurate. The image requested will also be more in accordance with the instructions or commands given by the user.

"(Gemini Advanced also has) priority access to features like Deep Research and Gems, and more," Google said in its official broadcast.

Although Flash 2.0 has been launched, not all Gemini users can access this new capability.

Flash 2.0 is rolling out to all Gemini users on mobile website and app versions. During the launch, Flash 1.5 and Flash 1.5 Pro will remain available over the next few weeks.

Google deliberately maintains a lower AI model so users don't lose their conversation history at Gemini. They can continue existing conversations whenever they want.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)