JAKARTA - BCA Digital has successfully received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) for the category of Banking Digital Services for Youth with the Highest Average Balance through the bluAccount for Teens service.

For information, the bluAccount for Teens is one of the BCA Digital services specifically designed to provide the first digital banking experience for teenagers who do not have a Identity Card (KTP).

bluAccount for Teens also features bluSaving, bluGether, and bluDeposit features designed to make it easier for teens to save, regulate expenses, and collaborate in fund management, all of whose transactions can be monitored by their parents.

"In a relatively short time, the bluAccount for Teens managed to gain high trust from teenagers to start their financial journey," said Lanny Budiati, President Director of BCA Digital in a statement quoted Friday, January 31.

Lanny mentioned that teenagers who own bluAccount for Teens use blu to save, pay with QRIS, transact online for food orders, order online motorcycle taxis, buy game skins, buy credit, and other transactions.

"Because of the trust given by our loyal customers, BCA Digital received this MURI record award," explained Lanny.

Peencapaan tersebut didukung oleh data internal BCA Digital yang menunjukkan bahwa per 31 Desember 2024, terdapat lebih dari 2.500 pengguna bluAccount for Teens, dengan rata-rata Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) mencapai Rp2,9 miliar dengan balance rata-rata bluAcount for Teens mencapai lebih dari Rp1,1 juta per rekening.

Lanny emphasized that this achievement will be a support and encouragement in encouraging increased financial literacy and inclusion for the Indonesian people, which is even wider, especially for young people.

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