JAKARTA The current use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caused us to find many chatbot applications on the App Store. There are several applications that can be run on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
If you need chatbot help to learn something or solve a problem related to data, you may be confused about determining the chatbot you want to download. To avoid confusion, here are the best chatbots for Apple devices.
The name chatbot may be familiar to technology fans. DeepSek has become one of the most popular chatbots recently even though it has just been launched. This AI model has succeeded in attracting the attention of the global community because of its sophistication which is able to compete with ChatGPT.
Unfortunately, this chatbot is still limited to the ability of the text. It is not yet known when DeepSek will present the ability to create images, but this application is quite easy to use on iPhones, iPads, and Macs because it can sign in with Apple.
The next Chatbot that's good enough to use is Gemini. This big language model (LLM) owned by Google has a very complete feature, ranging from image making, interacting with photos and videos to interacting with sound mode or Gemini Live.
This AI model can be accessed for free, but its features will be limited and its capabilities are not as good as the paid version. If interested in using Gemini Advanced, Gemini paid packages, Google usually provides free trials for one month for new users.
The next Chatbot that you might consider, and most people, is ChatGPT. In the last update, this app became more sophisticated with a more natural style of language.
ChatGPT is also integrated with Siri thanks to the iOS 18.2 update. By downloading the app on iPhone, iPad, or Mac, you may experience a more maximum AI experience.
The next AI model that you can use everyday is Grok developed by xAI, Elon Musk's company. Initially, this chatbot was only available on X, but now the app version can be downloaded on iPhone and iPad.
Almost similar to ChatGPT, its style of language looks more relaxed and this AI platform can also be joked with. If you don't want to download the application, you can still use ChatGPT on X or even a website.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)