YOGYAKARTA - In its development, biotechnology already produces many products that are very diverse in types. Currently, there are several biotechnology products produced through conventional systems and there are also examples of biotechnology products that do not use the basic principles of fermentation through organisms.
Biotechnology products that are present do not use the basic principles of fermentation are the result of rapid technological developments. These developments make biotechnology more widespread to be able to produce products that do not use the basic fermented principles.
Biotechnology itself is developed with the aim of producing products and services that are beneficial for humans, such as foodstuffs, beverage ingredients, chemicals, to medicines. Bacteria used in processed products are useful for strengthening endurance, converting food into nutrients, and producing vitamins B and K.
Taken from the book Target Value 10 UN SMA/MA IPA 2016 CBT System, The King Eduka, Annisa Rahmah Furqanai et al, (2015:936), biotechnology is a technology that utilizes organisms or products from organisms to produce products or services that are useful for mankind.
Modern biotechnology is the application of biotechnology through directed genetic engineering techniques, so the results can be well controlled. From here, biotechnology that does not take advantage of the basic principles of fermentation is classified into modern biotechnology.
From the explanation above, of course, some examples of biotechnology are needed that do not use the basic fermented principle so that the difference to conventional biotechnology can be known. Below are examples of biotechnology that do not use the basic fermented principle:
Gen therapy is biotechnology in the medical field that is useful as a drug or cures genetic diseases. This is done by repairing or replacing damaged genes.
Genetic engineering is the genetic manipulation of organisms to produce organisms that have desirable traits.
Cloning is a biotechnology form without using fermented principles. The cloning process can be done on animals and plants.
In a drug development process, biotechnology is used as a medium for identification and isolation of certain proteins to design drugs to be produced.
Environmental biotechnology utilizes microorganisms that have gone through stages of genetic modification to clean the environment from pollution.
Biotechnology without using basic fermented principles is able to produce diverse chemicals and materials. This is done through genetic engineering, bioprocess, and cell culture techniques.
Gen cloning in biotechnology is used as a multiplier of certain DNA fragments as a goal of research.
Biotechnology without the use of fermented basic principles can produce large enzymes and proteins. This is realized through the use of cells whose genetic modifications are to produce certain proteins or enzymes.
That is a review of biotechnology that does not use the basic principles of fermentation along with examples. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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