JAKARTA - The Delta Force, Garena's first-person tactical shooter, has just released its newest season titled Starfall', which brings a lot of new content in the game.

In full, this update introduces a 3v3v3 Hot Zone multiplayer mode, along with two new Warfare maps, expansion of maps Operations, new operators, weapons, new gadgets. In addition, players will get a variety of attractive prizes from the Spring Festival event.

The 3v3v3 Hot Zone 3v3 mode will come in a short duration between 2-7 minutes per round and will come starting this weekend for all players.

Through this update, Garena Delta Force, will present two new Warfare maps, namely Trainwreck and Knife Edge. Trainwreck is set in a remote mining industry zone, while Knives Edge is on a large dam with a focus on close combat.

In addition to presenting new maps and modes, this update will add the Sineva Operator to a roter that can be used by players. Sineva is an engineer class specialist who is good at attacking and defending.

One of Sineva's unique abilities is the Rear Guard. In addition, Sineva also has a Total Armor that combines Extendable shield and heavy-duct duty for comprehensive protection. He will also be equipped with Gadget Grapple Gun.

To enrich the choice of weapons, this update introduces three new weapons, a variety of equipment, and four new types of ammunition to increase combat variations, namely QCQ171 SMG, SR-9 Marksman Rifle, and QJB201 LMG.

In addition, two new gadgets will be added to Warfare mode, namely High-Explosive Grenade for Assault Class and Smoke Grenade Launcher for Support Class.

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