JAKARTA A number of parties feel threatened by DeepSeeek, but Meta leaders say otherwise. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he was not worried in front of his investors on January 29.

After attending a fourth-quarter earnings call, Zuckerberg explained that DeepSek's launch with small enough money had strengthened the company's confidence. For him, " DeepSek's actions are the right thing to focus on."

Until now, Meta is still digesting a number of new things DeepSek has done. After studying them, Meta wants to implement the progress of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) model. Although DeepSek makes investors worry about the funds they spend, Zuckerberg explains that nothing is in vain.

"I continue to think that investing very large in CapEx and infrastructure will be a strategic advantage over time," Zuckerberg said, quoted by The Verge.

In order for the AI model to have a better 'alignment', more computing can be needed at the time of inference. That way, the AI model developed can produce higher level of intelligence and higher quality of service.

DeepSek is an AI model developed by a Chinese company and was only released after US President Donald Trump officially took office. This AI assistant can be accessed in the form of applications, just like ChatGPT, on Android and iOS-based devices.

A week after launch, the app was able to surpass ChatGPT's popularity on the App Store. DeepSeek ranks at the top for free apps. This achievement is not surprising because DeepSek's ability to compete with AI companies in the US.

This AI platform also raises concerns because it is developed based on a distillation system. DeepSek builds an AI model that studies other AI models so that its capabilities can be much better. According to the US government, this action is a violation of AI service providers.

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