JAKARTA DeepSeek, an AI model from China, is causing concern because of its sophistication. This AI-based chatbot application is able to compete with US-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies such as OpenAI.

DeepSeeek sophistication makes the US feel threatened because the technology is developed through distillation. Simply put, this AI model was developed by involving an AI system that studies other AI systems. According to the US government, this is a violation.

Actually, developing AI using other AI models is a very common technique. However, this action is a violation of the provisions of the leading AI model service. What's more, DeepSek is trained using NVIDIA's H800 chip.

This action is considered detrimental so Howard Lutnick, a candidate for US Trade Minister, said that DeepSeeek had abused the AI technology his country developed. After Lutnick officially took office, he promised to limit the DeepSek platform.

"I don't believe that DeepSek is done openly. That doesn't make sense," Lutnick said on Wednesday, January 29, quoted via Reuters. "I will take firm action in our efforts to limit and enforce these restrictions so that we remain at the forefront."

The promise of this restriction may be difficult to keep because limiting DeepSek will not be easy. If the number of DeepSekusers has reached hundreds of millions, the small amount of traffic will be difficult to detect. This also happens to popular chatbots like ChatGPT.

In a paper, DeepSek revealed that they had used Llama, Meta's AI model, for several distilled versions. Unfortunately, violations of the terms of the Meta service may be difficult to identify because the model can be downloaded freely.

"It's impossible to stop model distillation if you have open source models like Mistral and Llama. These models are available to everyone," said Thomvest Ventures managing director Umesh Padval. That way, DeepSeek distillation restrictions will be difficult for the White House.

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