JAKARTA After several years of forgetting the standard iPad update, Apple will finally launch its 11th generation iPad in the spring of this year. This device will include many updates.

So far, there are three improvements that will certainly be available on iPad 11 when the device is officially released. The first is Apple Intelligence which includes artificial intelligence (AI)-based features. This feature can operate thanks to the A17 Pro chipset.

This means that the standard iPad can access the AI feature starting later this year. Some of the features that will be available are Genmoji, Image Playground, Siri which are integrated with ChatGPT, Summarizing Notifications, and many more.

The next update that makes the 11th generation iPad better than the previous generation is increased connectivity. If previously the connectivity standard used was WiFi 6, now it will be changed to WiFi 6E or even WiFi 7.

Bluetooth connection in the 11th generation iPad will also get an upgrade. From the previous one using Bluetooth 5.2, Apple will change it with the latest version, namely Bluetooth 5.3. Apple is also expected to debut 5G modem.

Another improvement is the latest generation smart keyboard specifically designed for the iPad entry-level. This latest Magic Keyboard is expected to carry a more traditional concept, not a foliary style like the previous generation.

In terms of design, the 11th generation iPad will not change from the device launched in 2022. This latest model is likely to be released along with a number of new devices, namely the iPhone SE and iPad Air.

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