JAKARTA - Currently, we are in the era of discovery commerce, where promotional content in the form of videos, both short videos and live streaming, is becoming a shopping trend that is increasingly in demand because it looks more attractive.

In the Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia Summit 2025 event, ShopTokopedia stated that transactions of sellers who promote through live streaming on TikTok have increased by an average of 30 times.

Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia also invite as many business actors as possible to utilize the LIVE or live streaming feature on TikTok to increase online trading transactions as well as the economy in Indonesia.

"In order to help business actors in Indonesia, especially MSMEs, advance and develop their businesses and achieve more in this era, we encourage sellers to utilize short videos to live streaming in terms of promotion," said President Director of Tokopedia and TikTok E-commerce, Melissa Siska Juminto, on Wednesday, January 15 in Jakarta.

The Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Iqbal Shoffan Shofwan, also emphasized the importance of the role of commerce platforms such as Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia in supporting the growth of MSMEs in the country.

"Because this is the backbone of our economy, how to produce quality products with good quality or even advanced quality, with competitive prices," said Iqbal.

Meanwhile, when joining TikTok, Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia created a new ecosystem that more powerful, such as TikTok's technology that produces personalized recommendations, authentic content, and strong community support, can be utilized by sellers on Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia to achieve more.

In practice, sellers can expand their market and increase sales by creating their own promotional video content on TikTok, or by collaborating with millions of creators on TikTok.

Sellers who promote through short videos on TikTok, whether made by the seller themselves or involving affiliate content creators, experience an average increase in transactions of 31 times.

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