JAKARTA NASA shared reports on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) throughout 2024. This report was shared with the public to highlight NASA's commitment to integrating AI technology.

The US space agency believes that getting AI can facilitate mission launches to its space operations. The reason is, there are many things AI can do, from autonomous vehicle navigation to advanced data analysis for scientific research.

In a report entitled Inventory of AI Use Cases, NASA noted various cases of active AI use in various fields, such as navigation, planning and management, to space exploration. The following are some of the AI usages disclosed by NASA.

Autonomous Exploration And Navigation

Data Management and Automation

Space Exploration

There are still many AI technologies that NASA uses to carry out its mission, including the Earth's environmental analysis program to control missions for air traffic. All the use of this technology is claimed to have complied with the principles set by the White House.

By releasing this report, NASA wants to ensure that investment in AI will look transparent, accountable, and remain ethical. That way, NASA can advance space exploration safely, effectively, and responsibly.

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