JAKARTA - Documents are one of the important data for a company. Along with technological advances, the form of documents has also changed from what was originally conventional in the form of paper turning to digital.

However, digital documents are considered vulnerable to misuse, falsified or duplicated. Therefore, digital documents must be neatly stored in a safe place.

As a verified digital signature service provider, VIDA provides five tips for managing and keeping digital data safe.

Create an internal policy related to data storage

Safe data management and digital documents cannot run well without good regulations from companies. Therefore, it is important for companies to have operational standards and internal policies in this digital data storage.

It has a capable storage space

After making an internal policy regarding data storage, the next is to select the digital data storage space. The company needs to calculate how much space is needed for important data storage in the company.

Trial of digital storage space

When you have determined the storage space used, you should do a trial first before using it fully. Try all the existing features, to find out how difficult it is or easy to access the document.

Do back up regularly

The next thing you can do is to regularly back up important digital data and documents. This is done to avoid damage and data loss caused by disasters.

Using Encryption

Finally, for more optimal data security and digital documents you can use a unique encryption. This encryption consists of a row of numbers and letters that differ from each other, such as in the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Archival Resource Key (ARK), as well as URLs and PURL.

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