NASA's James Webb Space Telescope was launched in December 2021. Although only four years old, this telescope has succeeded in providing a lot of new knowledge for humans.
NASA takes 30 years to develop the ride, moreover James Webb is the largest and most powerful telescope operating in space. This telescope was created to explore the solar system.
Not only exploring, James Webb also observed exoplanet atmospheres to search for signs of alien life, probe the depths of the solar system, and find out the first stars and galaxies to form in the universe.
Based on the results of James Webb's observations, which scientists have studied so far, the oldest galaxy is a galaxy formed when the universe is estimated to be 300 million years old.
This galaxy has 400 million times the mass of the Sun so it is believed to be one of the oldest galaxies. However, there are some peculiarities that scientists doubt the age of the galaxy.
Usually, the bigger a galaxy, the more dust it has. This dust collection makes the galaxy look red because it absorbs blue light, but the galaxy shows no expected signs.
James Webb points out that this old galaxy is very bright, massive, very blue, and there are no signs of dust. It is not known why this galaxy is not covered in dust. According to provisional suspicions, the dust destroyed due to radiation from the star.
In addition to finding signs of the oldest galaxy, James Webb made scientists realize that the oldest galaxies have unusual chemical elements. They contain very large amounts of nitrogen, even more than the one in the Sun.
The next interesting discovery of the James Webb Telescope is a faint galaxy. By observing galaxies that are difficult to see, scientists can understand that some galaxies entered the final phase of formation until they finally stopped forming stars.
Of the large number of faint galaxies observed, the majority of these galaxies emit more than four times the light particles. Most likely, these galaxies have an important role in ending the era of darkness.
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