JAKARTA Earlier this year, Disney Plus announced that Hulu is available on its platform and can be accessed by users in Latin America. Now, Disney Plus will be integrated with other streaming services.
The service is ESPN Plus. Starting Wednesday, December 4, ESPN Plus tilings and hubs are available on Disney Plus so users can easily access their favorite sports content. All entertainment and sports programs are now on one app.
This is good news for loyal Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus users. With a smooth integration, users can enjoy the experience of watching with their family, friends, or closest people.
"This launch is really the culmination of a fantastic year of innovation on Disney Plus," said Disney Plus President, Alisa Bowen. "This gives our package customers a place to enjoy everything they love from all our brands."
The addition of Hulu and ESPN Plus to Disney Plus is not only access to interplatform, but also more highlighted tiles. These two services will be clearly visible to all customers so that access between platforms can be done easily.
"That means, for our Disney Plus self-adjoint customers, they will have a very easy way to find everything we offer from these two extraordinary brands, and have the ability to increase their subscriptions," Bowen explained.
Integration of three streaming services on one platform not only benefits users but also companies. To attract Disney users to use their services, ESPN even offers a number of free programs that can be accessed.
"In the first 90 days, package customers will be able to enjoy 5,000 live events, including the NFL, NBA, NHL, Higher Education Basketball, and the Australian Open (including new original shows from 30 for 30)," said ESPN Plus Senior Vice President John Lasker.
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