JAKARTA Telegram launched a number of new features on December 4. This update includes ease of searching for AI-based stickers, increasing collages in Stories, and moving media captions.
Telegram says that the sticker search bar is now supported by a special Artificial Intelligence (AI) model. That way, users can perform complex searches with several keywords, such as cats drinking coffee or laughing astronauts.
After searching, a series of choices of stickers will appear on the screen and users can directly click on the sticker they want. There are more than 40,000 official stickers Telegram offers so that the sticker you want is in it.
"What's even better, this feature works in dozens of languages, making it easier than ever to express yourself. Premium users can also use this better search in the emoji section," explains Telegram.
Next is the increase in collage so that users can be more related to their uploads. Previously, Telegram's collage Story was limited to four photos or videos only. Now, users can add up to 6 photos or videos in various layouts.
"Add live media from your gallery or camera and fill in each plot to make a perfect composition," said the platform. Interestingly, users can easily change the layout by dragging photos or videos into the desired plot.
The next update is the position of the medium information that can be moved. If previously the user always saw the media text at the bottom, now the sender of the message can move the caption to the top by clicking on a small icon in the corner of the screen.
That's a number of updates Telegram Launches to all its users. If you haven't seen the features above, make sure that you've updated the Telegram app via the App Store or Google Play Store.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)