YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever felt that TikTok videos are less viral even though they have tried their best? It could be a TikTok caption that is less interesting, because a less attractive caption can make your content less attractive.

A well-designed caption can help you get the attention of the audience, convey your message, and inspire viewers to take action.

With more than 1 billion active users, TikTok is a platform that offers unique opportunities to reach a wide audience and connect with people around the world.

By following the following tips and techniques, you can create a caption that attracts attention to stand out on TikTok.

Adding captions to TikTok may seem like the easiest thing to do. Most people or beginners think that writing a good caption isn't difficult.

However, for those who are experienced and know that adding captions for TikTok videos, then doing so is far more than just a formality or video description. Reporting from socialbu, here are some things you need to pay attention to:

Caption should be written in a short and congested way to attract the attention of the audience.

If not educational or instructional content, most TikTok videos are short. Users will shift and enjoy content before switching to the next content.

So, avoid adding a complex or too long caption under your TikTok video. On the other hand, a compact and direct caption to the core would be better.

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TikTok has raised the character limit for TikTok captions to 2,200 now. So, if your video requires longer captions, you can strategically take advantage of this update.

The increasing character limit doesn't mean you start adding unnecessary text in the caption. You can first create hooks to attract your audience for them to click "see more".

You can also add SEO keywords according to your content, making it easier for your TikTok algorithm to rank your content.

The relevant hashtags help you increase the reach of your TikTok videos. While the platform hasn't limited the number of hashtag additions, it's recommended not to use more than five hashtags in your TikTok caption.

Use the most common hashtag mixtures and hashtags categorized other than those used to describe your videos. For example, if you create food content, you can add the most common hashtag, #food, in caption.

This is the easiest way to increase the reach of your content, as most people will use this hashtag to search.

Then you can also add categorized hashtags such as #veganfood or #bestfoodforketodiet, etc. Only those looking for related content will use this hashtag, and they may also follow you.

Calling someone under the TikTok video can be a mutualism. When you mention someone in your TikTok caption, their followers can see the content. So this is a great way to increase your reach.

However, it is stated that someone can only be done with mutual consent. Otherwise, it can be considered as spam.

You can add humor and genius to your TikTok caption, like this:

"I'm trying to follow the makeup tutorial... just say I understand now why they call it contouring #fail #makeuphumor.

This caption describes makeup failure with subtle humor, and using emojis and hashtags also adds a pleasant element to the caption.

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