JAKARTA - Telegram has just launched a large update that spoils users, especially for those who follow large channels. These updates present a number of interesting features, including automatic custom tuning of video quality, control of playback speed, addition of the media to old messages, and various other improvements that improve the user experience.
Here are the new features presented in this update:
Current Automatically Video Quality Adjustments, users can enjoy videos with quality that adjust their internet network speed automatically. This feature is designed to speed up loading times and ensure a smoother viewing experience, especially on large channels. However, for those who prefer to manually set quality, Telegram still provides options to choose between high, medium, or low quality.
Control of Video Update Screening Speed also makes it easier for users to change the video playback speed. Simply by tapping the setting icon or pressing the right side of the screen, users can adjust the video speed as desired. After releasing, the playback speed will return to normal. In addition, Android users can skip 10 seconds forward or back by tapping twice the right or left side of the screen.
Adding Media to Telegram's Old Message now allows users to add or change the medium to messages that have been sent without having to delete and resubmit the message. This feature is very useful for users who want to update photos or videos on old chats quickly with just two taps.
Time Signs for Edited Messages For users who often edit messages, Telegram now adds time markers to each message that has been changed. This feature allows other users to know when the last message was edited, making the conversation clearer and more reliable.
Use of Hashtag for Chat Navigation With a special hashtag in chat, users can easily browse related content. This feature is very helpful for those who want to quickly find old information or conversations.
Advertising Revenue for theTelegram Bot and Mini-Applications is now opening programs for bots and mini-applications to participate in advertising-sharing programs. Through this update, bots can send up to 30 advertising messages, which provides an opportunity for bot developers to increase revenue.
Reaction counting on Telegram Posts now displays the number of reactions in detail on each post. This allows users to see the level of audience involvement in their posts, making it easier to assess the responses of followers.
With these updates, Telegram further strengthens its position as a messaging application that continues to grow and innovate, providing a more complete and interesting user experience
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