JAKARTA Not many people know that Android devices can also turn websites into desktop-like applications. If you do this, you can access your favorite website very easily.

There are many platforms that are interesting to access, but are not available in the form of applications on the Google Play Store. For example, websites such as Archive of Our Own (AO3), MidJourney, and Udio. Therefore, the web application is very interesting to download.

One thing that's interesting about web applications is that it feels like a real app. Although a web app basically uses a system from a browser, users will not see a browser interface that appears above or below the screen in the web app.

If you are interested in downloading the web application, you can download the Hermit - Lite Apps Browser application first. After that, do the following steps, quoted from How to Geek.

Use Third Party Browser

Basically, you can't download the web application via Google Chrome. Therefore, you need the Hermit application. If the application has been downloaded, follow the following stages.

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