JAKARTA Google will add a new feature to the search results on Google Search. This feature is specially designed for users who like to cook and make it easier for them to find food recipes.

Reporting from The Verge, this feature called Quick View is being tested for a small number of users. When the user opens Search and write queries like 'brown cookies prescription', the Quick View button will appear with the desired recipe display.

Unlike AI Overview, which works by summarizing several webs at once, Quick View only displays results from one blog. For example, like the results of the search for 'brown cookies prescription', Google's search engine features Quick View from the Preppy Kitchen blog.

Users don't need to click on websites one by one because Quick View will provide very complete information. This feature will display what materials are needed, photos of the food you want to create, and manufacturing instructions.

Brianna Duff, Google Spokesperson, said that this feature has not been completed so they cannot share any information. Duff added that this new feature is the result of their experiment to display the best information.

"We have partnered with a number of creators to start exploring a new recipe experience in Search that is beneficial to users and provides added value to the web ecosystem," said Duff.

Duff added that Quick View is still a limited initial experiment. To feature more recipes from other blogs, Google has partnered with a number of recipe bloggers who are willing to share their recipes on the main page of the search.

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